The headache is a common illness. The actual cause is hard to find. Sometimes headache can also be a symptom of other serious illnesses. A good section of people finds it difficult to diagnose a variety of treatments. There are also people who have changed their life by chronic headaches.
About 90-95 percent of the people have experienced headaches at least once in their lives. The headache is caused by mental tension, the migraine which is known as the flag lines and the two join together - in general.
Research has shown that three-quarters of headaches can be a cause of worry. Relieve pain relievers and get rid of the disease within a few hours. The second category of flagging requires regular treatment.
Kodinji or migraine
migraine started attacking most of the time and adolescence. Tradition is a major factor in the majority of patients. Pain begins on one side or side of the head is transformed into swelling and pain in the face and neck within a couple of hours. There will be nothing uncomfortable, obstructive, and diarrhea.
Many patients are traveling, fasting, and some kind of food and smell. Severe restlessness and sleep are often relieved when others are relieved.
For a long period of time, disturbing headaches for a few days do not last long. The conclusion that the nose bridge is caused by headaches is not uncommon.
Low blood pressure and skin colds resulting from the flutter of the flag are misunderstood as a result of lower blood pressure. Bone pain may be thought to be the cause of pain in the bones in the neck. There are people who think that the collapse of the collapse is a fault of the ears.