Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Ayurvedic - Basic Assets

Ayurveda is an ancient medicine system of the Indian subcontinent. This system of medicine was formed around 5,000 years ago in India. The word Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words 'life' and 'veda'. Vedam means knowledge or science. That is Ayurveda is the science of lifespan. Unlike other medical procedures, Ayurveda focuses more on healthier life than treatment therapy.
According to Ayurveda, the human body consists of 4 basic elements. Evil, mineral, and dung, and fire. They are very important in Ayurveda. They are considered as the cornerstones of Ayurveda.
The trints are rheumatism, pitham and mucous. These controls the body's metabolism. The function of the triadis is to help the nutrients in which the digested food is passed throughout the body and help in the production of body cells. Diseases can lead to a disorder.
The mineral can be defined as 'backing the body'. There are seven different structures in the body. Flavor, blood, meat, fat, bone, marrow, and semen. These are represented by plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone and bone marrow and semen respectively. Minerals provide bone marrow nutrition and help in the growth and structure of the mind.
The waste is 'contaminated' or 'dirty'. This is the third in the Trinity, including evils and minerals. There are mainly three types of hills - feces (eg, nerves), urine and sweat. Since the mountains are primarily the entrails of the body, their rightful expulsion is essential for the health of the individual. The tree shall be divided into two, the threshing floor and the gate. It is in the form of diaphragms and diaphragms.
The fire
All forms of metabolism and digestive activity are carried out in the help of fire. Agni is the term used to describe various types of enzymes, liver and cells.
The body
Life in Ayurveda is a body of body, senses, mind and soul. The living habit of living trials and learners is the building of the Swadeshi Swarm. The body consists of flavors, art, and mountains. The growth of the body and its constituents depends on the digestibility of foods that are buried in flavor, art, and waste. Acceptance, ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and metabolism of food have a substantial role to play in health and disease. Health and illness are a lot more affected by psychiatry and life.
Panch Mahabharata
Ayurveda prescribes all the things in the universe including human beings by Prithvi, water, fire, air and the sky. These Shri Mahabharata are balanced in the body in a variety of proportions, in harmony with the structure and function of different organisms and their needs. The growth and development of the body depend on nutrition, namely food. These feed the nutrients in the body as a result of the exercise of the digestive tract. The structural-based tissue of the body and the mental basis of the chemical composition are formed by the different proportions of Panch-gods.
Health and illness
It is the basis of health, illness, or illness. Internal and external factors also affect the natural balance of the body. This disadvantage leads to improper nutrition, habits, and misrepresentation of healthier lives. Climate change, improper exercises, improper use of senses, and acts not in the body and in the mind are also damaging the natural balance. The disadvantages of the body can be solved through dieting, lifestyle adjustment, and medication. Panchakarma - can be resistant to such disorder through fun treatments.
The patient is always diagnosed as a whole in Ayurveda. The physician takes into consideration the internal physiological characteristics and mental state of the patient. Infectious diseases, sensitivities, infection, patient's immune function, dietary supplements, dietary habits, seriousness of symptoms, digestive disorders, patient's personal and social, economic and environmental conditions are also considered. The diagnosis involves the following inspections:
  • General examination of the body
  • Powder
  • Urine examination
  • Check up
  • Check the tongue and eye
  • Check the skin and ears
  • Including touch and hearing
The basic approach of Ayurveda is that it is the right treatment for health care and only the person who gives the disease is the best medicine. The main goal of Ayurveda is the maintenance and promotion of health, as well as prevention and disease.
Contents of Ayurvedic medicine include the factors that lead to the inactivity of the body through the process of pancreatic action, the need to maintain the medicines, suitable food and body balances, and prevent the prevention and prevention of future infections and empowerment of the body through lifestyle.
Treatment usually involves the use of medications, special meal (dieting), and prescription routine. All these three things are done in two ways. Reacting to the basic causes and symptoms of illness is to eliminate disease. In the second case, the same three things are aimed at the same effect as: medicine, diet and duration - pathogenicity and pathogenesis. These two therapeutic approaches are known in the name of the opposite of treatment and inverse therapy respectively.
4 factors are essential for successful management of the treatment. These include:
  1. The healer
  2. Pharmaceuticals
  3. Caregiver
  4. Patient
The physician is the most prominent. He must have technical expertise, scientific knowledge, purity and human understanding. The doctor must use his knowledge wisely and service to humanity. Next importance is the food and the medicines. These should be high quality, widespread and produced and prepared according to the approved procedures. They should be available in sufficient quantities. The caretaker is the third of any successful treatment. He should have a good knowledge of the diagnosis. He must have skill in his profession. Love, compassion, intellect, cleanliness, and self-esteem should be okay. The fourth factor is the disease. Patient should cooperate with treatment. The rules must be followed. You need to explain his illnesses. He needs to be able to get everything he needs for treatment.
Ayurveda has developed a very clear way of analyzing the stages and events of the beginning of the causal factors and causing symptoms. So Ayurveda has a special effect to understand the possibility of early illness too long before the hidden symptoms are revealed. This helps to boost the prevention procedures of the treatment system. This also helps in preventing the development of pathogenesis and to treat it in the early stages of the disease.


Disease therapy may be broadly classified in this way
The diagnostic aim is to eliminate the root causes of physical and mental illness. This includes internal and external refining processes. Generally, this treatment includes early actions such as lamina, splash, bone, perfume, and chromium. The main goal of Panchakarma Immunology is the installation of metabolism. It also provides the purification of the body and the benefits of medicines. Nerve disorders, muscle and osteoclasts, cardiovascular problems and autoimmune problems are also useful.
Sleeping treatment
Sneezing treatment The rest of the tragedies will be brought back to the normal level without damaging others. The treatment is carried out through the practice of dietary supplements, digestive supplements, exercise, sunburn and fresh air. This includes the use of pains and sleep aids.
Therapeutic system
The Pythagian system includes restrictions on food, activities and habits. The objective is to preserve diabetes, prevent illness and accelerate cure. The importance of stimulation of digestion and absorption by stimulating the fire is emphasized in the control of foodgrains in restoring the energy of the body.
The rest of the affairs
There is no need for exemption from diet and lifestyle diseases. It also includes abstaining from activities that promote the cause of illness.
To be astounded
Exorcism is related mainly to the area of ​​psychological problems. This includes the development of courage, memory, and concentration and refraining from unhealthy wishes. Analysis of Mental Health and Psychotherapy Ayurveda has an extensive approach to Ayurveda.
Rhesay cure
Fun consciousness is the encouragement of energy and enrichment. The integration of body components, memory, intelligence, immunity, immunity and retention of optimal body senses of the body are the benefits of cheesian therapy. The goal of chemotherapy is to prevent blockage of inactivation of the body and the improvement of health.

Food and Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda is considered to be the food of the body. So food has a major role in Ayurveda treatment. One of the attributes that a person receives is to influence his mental and spiritual growth and mental state. In the human body, food is transformed into a juicy, first and foremost process of blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow, reproductive factors and oozing. Food is the basis of all the metabolism and life functions of the body. Lack of nutrients in the diet, their transformation and improper conditions can lead to a variety of pathogens.

National level Ayurvedic Institutions in India

Political asurvedavidyapith New Delhi
  • RAI is an independent body under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, which was registered under the 1860 Societies Act. Those who have underage 28 years of Ayurveda graduation and those who have post-graduate degree in Ayurveda under the age of 33 will also pursue a high quality teacher education system.
  • The Board of Directors of Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (RAV), who works for Ayurvedic Sciences and their interpretations, enables better teachers and research scholars to become proficient. For the students who have completed postgraduate studies in Ayurveda, the Course for Critical Studies in their PG Study System gets the necessary time to conduct discussion and interaction on learning activities.
  • One year Certificate Course of Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (RAV) - Ayurvedacharya (BAMS) is a formalized undergraduate and traditional medicine under specialty Ayurvedic medicine methods for trained and well-trained practitioners.
  • All these admission courses are conducted through the written test and interview of the advertiser. 15820 / - per month for both courses and Rs. Rs. 2500 / - per month.
National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA) Jaipur
  • In all the practices of Ayurveda, established in 1976 by Government of India as a means of developing high level of awareness and training with scientific approach to scientific research.
  • This institution undergraduate level (PG head), postgraduate. And pH level. Affiliated to Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur BAMS (undergraduate course) is based on the All India entrance examination conducted by the university and the basis for admission to the PG course is the All India Joint Entrance Examination, conducted by NIA and IPGTRA.
Institute of Post Graduate Teaching Research in Ayurveda Jamnagar Gujarat)

  • The Institute for Postgraduate Teaching & Research Institute of Ayurveda, a component of the Gujarat Ayurved University, is the oldest establishment in Ayurvedic Center for Post graduate Researtion and Research.
  • Institutions in Institutes offer Indore and Outdoor facilities to patients. Special treatments for various diseases such as Panchakarma, Ksharasutra and Krisala are available in these hospitals.

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