Tolerance in India, known to millions of years ago as the solution to health and beauty problems, is known as the "golden planet earth".
Studies have shown that turmeric can prevent cancer.The researchers at the St. Louis University of Mousori have discovered that two components, namely, cur cumin and cilimarin, which are contained in the ice, are capable of defying cancer.
Yellow can help prevent cancer production from breast, skin, lung, colon, and prostate. It can remove the growth of cancer cells and prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body.
The human papilloma (HP) virus is the cause of cancer and liver cancer. The researchers found that cur cumin, a antioxidant contained in the ice, was able to prevent the operation of the virus.
The turmeric helps reduce the side effects of some chemo therapy drugs. Patients suffering from rheumatism and arthritis can get relief from pain.Studies have shown that liver and liver can help prevent liver disease.
Eat a gram of turmeric before a morning meal will increase memory. The study of the study by Mon ash Instruct in Melbourne says that all of this can cause the risk of colon disease in the ice.
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